I’m old enough to know better and born to speak my mind. I live in Oregon but my roots are 6 generations deep in the heart of Texas. My people came from Appalachia after first living along the eastern seaboard. My Anglo European ancestors are Scot, English, French and Dutch — the usual colonist repertoire except all came in the early 1600s, save the Scot. Migration led to intermarriage and mixed blood families on every side. My Native People are Lenape, Powhatan,and Cherokee.
I’m fascinated by my ancestors and their ever changing lifeways. I am interested in DNA and genetic genealogy as a way to detect medical issues which may present themselves to future generations.
I earned a Master of Urban Planning and was a consultant to local governments, Indian Tribes in the PNW, and non-profit entities. I was a lobbyist for solar energy in the late 1970s through mid 1980s and did cultural resource management for the forest service and tribes along the Columbia River Gorge in the 1990s. Before retiring I taught, lectured, and wrote about everything I had learned along the way.
I dropped out of the rat race after 2001 to read, write and repair. I’m now ready to have another go at it!
I have wanted to share my writing for years. Most of the work now presented has not been published, and some of it has not been read in years. My writing takes many forms: cultural essay, short story, non fiction and historical fiction. All are based on true stories gleaned from actual events, journals, and oral tradition.
My interests include: the history of a place and its people; the impact and nature of change over time; and, the effect these changes have on place, person, family, community and environment. I like to dig deep to find the nucleus behind phrases such as: “it’s always been that way”, “it’s just who we are”, “nobody talks about it”, “somethings just need to be left alone”.
These phrases are meant to put a halt to further inquiry, but they have the opposite effect on me. I’m too curious to let it go, put it down, or walk away. When I catch scent of such tantalizing commentary it becomes the beginning of a treasure hunt. I know I can’t leave well enough alone, and occasionally my doggedness ends up under the porch 'till things calm down a bit. I can’t help it though; it’s what keeps me going.